Tucson is the second largest city in Arizona and has been the site of important struggles from the Sanctuary movement and fight for immigrant rights, the illegal ban on ethnic studies, autonomous community projects for climate justice and a legacy of fighting for indigenous sovereignty and cultural preservation. Tucson has a rich history and legacy of indigenous people who have taught generations of folks how to care for their land and each other. This ethic is reflected in Tucson's climate justice work and the way we care about our community.
Hosting Sazonblea in Tucson gives our members an opportunity to learn about the "sin, contra, desde" experiments folks are working on locally.
In our first El Calentón members-only episode, we're kicking it with Marisa Franco, Mijente co-founder and director, and Cinthya Gonzalez, our national organizer. They give you an inside look at our preparations for Sazonblea 2023, happening in Tucson, AZ from October 20th to the 22nd.
Watch now!

Frequently Asked questions
1️⃣ What does the registration cover?
Registration includes access to all sessions of Sazonblea 2023, assistance with transportation in Tucson, meals during the programming, and admission to nightly events and jangueos.
ICYMI: Mijente worked on a campaign with member & Councilperson Lane Santa Cruz to secure access to free transportation on city buses in Tucson. Our Transit for All Campaign was a victory of the people 🎉 This means that gente coming to Sazonblea 2023 can use the bus transit system for free to explore around the city!
2️⃣ Can I get assistance with travel or lodging?
Yes! Soon we'll be launching the Sazonblea 2023 Solidarity Fund for folks who want to join but are limited by economic constraints. Keep an eye out on your email and this website for details on where to apply.
3️⃣ Is this a family friendly event?
Absolutely! If you would like to bring children/youth under 17, we will have childcare along with youth programming during the hours Sazonblea 2023 is in session.
4️⃣ What should I bring?
Closer to the date, we’ll share a packing list with all participants registered. For now, we can share that local and online sources say Tucson is “pleasantly warm with a gentle breeze” in October. 🙌🏽
5️⃣ I have further questions. Who should I contact?
You can email any inquiries to info@mijente.net
This year we are implementing a sliding scale ticket system to attend Sazonblea 2023. The sliding scale ranges from $25-$200, and you can select your ticket range at checkout.
Registration includes access to all sessions of Sazonblea 2023, assistance with transportation in Tucson, meals during the programming, and admission to nightly events and jangueos.
Join us in Tucson, Arizona from October 20-22 for Sazonblea 2023, Mijente's biannual membership gathering!
Much like organizing, the key to celebrating our Latinx cultures is community. We acknowledge and are committed to creating a space that is reflective of the diversity in our communities. So we’re officially launching the Sazonblea 2023 Solidarity Fund for folks who want to join us in Tucson, but are limited by economic constraints.
The Solidarity Fund will be open on a rolling basis until funds have been expended.
Please note: If you receive a scholarship, you must confirm within 5 days of being awarded the scholarship or we will offer it to another person on the list.
Welcome tours
We’re excited to have you join us at Sazonblea 2023! To kick us off, On Friday participants can join tours to learn about the sin, contra, and desde political projects happening across the city.
To read a description of the tours available, see below. To RSVP for one of the tours, please click here. We appreciate your RSVP which helps the logistics run as smoothly as possible for our Tucson host comité crew.
Ojo: For these tours we suggest that you come prepared and dress for the heat. To bring/wear: Water bottle, close toe shoes, hat or umbrella, sunscreen, comfortable outdoor wear.
Bicicletada & Mural Tour:
Join Familias Unidas Ganando Accesibilidad (F.U.G.A) on a bike ride through Downtown and Southside Tucson highlighting murals while demonstrating mobility justice & community engagement in historically disinvested barrios.
Flowers & Bullets Midtown Farm Tour:
A revolutionary approach to Health & Wellness using ancestral farming practices that addresses the Social & Economic injustices in Barrio Centro
Ward 1 & City Hall Tour:
Tucson's City Hall and meet with Tucson's Mayor, City Manager, and the directors of new programs addressing equity and opportunity. Then, travel to the Ward One Council Office to meet with the Council Member and office staff. You'll learn about the ways Mayor Romero and Council Member Santa Cruz have centered equity, participation and co-governance.
Community Food Bank Las Milpitas Tour:
Las Milpitas is a place where we can practice the real non-illusion values that we choose to live by. It is a space not only where we get to meet other people who want to learn about gardening, but a community where we build the love we want to see in this world collectively. Much like the plants and soil we cultivate relationships with in this space, our bodies find ways to become deeply rooted to each other and to the land, to share and nourish, to produce abundance and to grow and learn from each other. Milpitas is a space where we remember how to be human.
Reconciliación en el Río Tour:
An overview on the environmental history and environmental aspirations/stories of healing taking base along the Santa Cruz River. A walk through Barrio Viejo con cultura y naturaleza.
Casa Alitas Tour:
This local non-profit through Catholic Charities works to provide services to asylum seekers entering the United States until they are able to connect to their sponsors. Since Title 42 was lifted in May 2023, Casa Alitas has been working with approximately 1000 people per day. The tour will visit their largest facility and share their process.
Indigenous Lands Tour:
Learn about the lands of the Pascua Yaqui, their historical displacement and the recent "landback" supported by Mayor Regina Romero, Congressman Raul Grijalva & signed by President Biden in December 2022.
Tucson's 1960's Urban Renewal: Past, Present & Future Tour:
A walking tour of the historic barrios surrounding La Calle and through the Tucson Community Center.
Saguaro National Park Hiking Tour:
Learn from Latinx & Indigenous National Park Rangers continuing to stewart the unique Sonoran Desert lands. Hike alongside the majestic Saguaro cactus and learn about the land, the people and the work being done to get more of community outdoors and in National Park spaces.
There’s something for everyone! Remember to RSVP to the tour you’d like to join!